Sunday, October 22, 2006

118 Ways to Save Money in College #10


The Cost of Keeping in Touch

Communicating with friends and family can run you into steep monthly costs if you are not willing to think outside the box.

88) Join your parents’ family cell phone plan. It is usually much cheaper than a standalone account.

89) Refer to cell phone comparison sites that offer side-by-side data of plans from company to company. Save time and save money on your next cell phone plan:

90) Avoid text messaging. You can easily text your way to hundreds of dollars in extra fees. Also, because text messaging is charged both to the sender as well as the receiver, ask your friends to refrain from texting you, too. Make a phone call when you are able (and during your free minutes) or send an email instead. Some cell phone plans come bundled with a maximum number of free text messages. Know how many you can send or receive without being charged extra.

91) Use a pay-as-you-go cell phone plan. This will only work if you use your cell phone on a minimal basis.

92) Communicate via email, instant messangers, create a blog, share photos on Flickr, or invite friends to visit your MySpace site.

93) Use an inexpensive or free internet phone calling service. Once upon a time the sound quality and incidence of dropped digital data packets was high, but VoIP calls have come a long way, baby. Some families, especially those spread far and wide, even international, subscribe to an online conference service. Here everyone in the group may participate in a group meeting, share photos, keep current with goings on, etc.

  • Skype - eBay's VoIP service. Offers free incoming and outgoing calls in some areas.
  • Vonage - VoIP service provider
  • Google Talk - Google's voice enabled instant messaging service which allows you to leave voicemails
  • Trillian & Gaim - instant messaging services that interface with most major IM services
  • Facebook - Social networking site, very popular with the college generation
  • Family and friend conference calls

94) If you are traveling, especially out of the country, catch up with friends and family before you leave, and check into the various international calling cards available.


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