Sunday, October 08, 2006

College Savings 101 #4


Federal tax incentives targeted to education

One of the best ways to increase the affordability of your child’s education is to take advantage of federal tax breaks aimed at families saving and paying for college. These include the following:
Qualified Tuition Programs (529 plans)—Earnings grow tax-deferred and distributions are tax-free when used for qualified post-secondary education costs before 2011.

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts— Earnings grow tax-deferred and distributions are tax-free when used for qualified post-secondary education costs. May also be withdrawn tax-free for primary and secondary school expenses before 2011.

U.S. Savings Bonds—EE and I bonds purchased after 1989 by someone at least 24 years old may be redeemed tax-free when the bond owner or the bond owner's spouse or dependent pays for college tuition and fees. In 2006, the tax exclusion is phased out for incomes between $63,100 and $78,100 (between $94,700 and $124,700 for married taxpayers filing jointly). These income limits increase each year.

Individual Retirement Accounts—Early withdrawal penalties are waived when Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs are used to pay the qualified post-secondary education costs of yourself, your spouse, your children, or your grandchildren. (Taxes may still be due on the withdrawals, however.)

Hope Scholarship Credit—A parent may claim a tax credit for 100% of the first $1,100 and 50% of the next $1,100, of a dependent child’s college tuition and mandatory fees, for a maximum $1,650 annual tax credit per child. Students may claim the credit only if they are not claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return. In 2006, the credit is phased out for incomes between $45,000 and $55,000 (between $90,000 and $110,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly). The credit is allowed only for students who are attending a degree program at least half-time and who have not completed their first two years of academic study before the beginning of the taxable year. It cannot be claimed in more than two tax years for any one student.

Lifetime Learning Credit—A taxpayer may claim a tax credit for 20% of up to $10,000 in combined tuition and mandatory fees for himself, his spouse, and his dependent children. This equates to a $2,000 tax credit. In 2006, the credit is phased out for incomes between $45,000 and $55,000 (between $90,000 and $110,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly). Claiming the Hope Scholarship credit described above means that you may not claim a Lifetime Learning credit for any of that student’s expenses in the same tax year. There is no requirement that the student be studying towards a degree or be enrolled at least half-time, and there is no limit on the number of years the credit may be taken.

Tuition and Fees—An above-the-line deduction (this means you do not have to itemize your deductions) for up to $4,000 of the college tuition and related expenses of yourself, your spouse, or your dependent was available in 2004 and 2005 if your income was $65,000 or less ($130,000 or less if you were married filing jointly). For taxpayers with incomes between $65,000 and $80,000 (between $130,001 and $160,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly), the deduction limit was $2,000. The deduction was not available if anyone claims a Hope or Lifetime Learning credit for that student's expenses in the same tax year. This deduction has expired and was no longer available at the start of 2006 but may be revived by Congress during 2006

Deduction for Student-loan Interest—Up to $2,500 in student loan interest may be deducted above-the-line as long as the debt was incurred to pay the college costs for yourself, your spouse, or your dependent, while enrolled as a student at least half-time in a degree program. For 2005, the full deduction is allowed for singles with income below $50,000 and a partial deduction is allowed for singles with income up to $65,000. Married couples filing jointly get the full deduction with income up to $105,000 and a partial deduction with income up to $135,000. A student claimed as a dependent may not take the deduction on his or her own return.

Tax-free Scholarships—Most scholarships and grants are tax-free if the recipient does not have to provide services in exchange for the award.

Tax-free Educational Assistance—Employers may pay and deduct up to $5,250 in college and graduate school costs for each employee under a Section 127 educational assistance plan. The education does not have to be job-related. The benefit is tax-free to the employee, but cannot be used to pay for an employee’s children or other family members.


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