Thursday, March 29, 2007

Top Internet scams exposed!

Here you will learn the truth about online money scams, and pointed to the trust worthy ones that could earn you money college.

Learn to avoid Government Grant Information Scams

You probably are here because you've seen ads on google or yahoo or msn like:

  • Get Government Grants Free!
  • Get Up To $250,000 From The Government!
  • Free Government Grant CD
  • Obtain Government Grants Today !
  • Free Money From The Government
These ads seem to be everywhere. You will no doubt see several of these ads on forums, popular search engines, and possibly even on Television.

Why are there so many out there and why are they spending thousands of dollars advertising free money for college. Basically, they are selling us the promise of free money becaus eit if something we all need as college students to pay for our college education.

Isn't it possible to get grants from the Government?

Absolutely! There are several trust worthy companies that will send you information on how to apply for government grants. But the fact is that 99% of all people will be denied money from the government because they are scams.

These companies just take your money without helping you at all finding and getting grants for college.

To tell you the trust, most of these web sites offer you nothing more than the following:
  • Old out dated web site and phone number information
  • No help with filling out applications
  • No organization, just a huge list of unsorted grant programs, with addresses
  • No customer service or help available, sometimes not even an email address!
  • No refunds. Most of these fly-by-night companies just take your money, and when they get enough complaints they simply close the site and start up a new one. (a common scam site tactic)
  • Amateur web sites with broken links. (this is a dead give away to a scam site)
  • Guarantees to get you a specific amount of grant money (no one can do this!)
  • Guarantees to get you grants just by making a phone call (this is just not possible)

I have researched and looked further into some college grant programs and have discover only a couple are for real.

My absolute favorite is Uncle Sam's Money as it offers a free consulation with a grant start up specialist! Their grant specialist will tell you what grants you qualify for and help you through the application process step by step. This is a limited time offer though.

These companies have a good reputation and live up to that guarantee. This is excellent because you can try out these members areas for 2 months and if you don't like the results they will refund your money.

The Federal Government gives away billions of dollars every year to college students just like you and me. No matter what you need the money for the Government has a college grant for it. Do you want to start a small business? Did you just have a baby? Need to pay for college? Want to remodel your home? Want to buy a new home? The best part is you can get approved for as many grants as you qualify for and you never have to pay it back. As always I will keep you updated on my findings.

Have a great day and God bless!

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