Monday, October 02, 2006

College Tuition Higher Each Year

By Jared Wash

It is incredible to see how much college tuition cost have elevated in today's society that has made paying for college practically bankrupting for certain family's.

College tuition cost average an 8% increase each year and have no intention of decreasing anytime soon. This is bad news for new borns today as it means that college costs will be more than three times what they are right now when the child attends college.

So why is tuition soaring? According to conventional campus wisdom, it's because of declining external funding: lagging state subsidies to public universities, inadequate contributions and investment income at private ones. Schools also sometimes argue that higher tuition is funding qualitative improvements.

No offense, but that is not the reason.
With all my research and reading it has become apparent that the biggest reason for college tuition to increase is because of grants, scholarships, finacial aid, work-study programs ,and government funding.
Thats it!
This has increase college expenses around 70% in the last 20 years with all that extra money going towards college scholarships, government programs, and just free money for other students.
I will go into further detail later but for now I am just going to say that with this rise in college cost and expenses, students are taking college over seas, business schools like ITT, or just getting certified in certain areas.
In society today the middle class students are paying the price for getting a higher education and a college degree that needs to be put to an end.
Getting a college education or online college degree should not leave you $40,000 in the whole.


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